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Notice of Complete Application for a County Official Plan Amendment

The County of Perth has received an application from 2794848 Ontario Ltd. for an Official Plan Amendment, a proposed Plan of Subdivision, and a Zoning By-law Amendment pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act (Sections 17, 22, 34 (10.4)) and Ontario Regulation 543/06 and 544/06.
This application was determined to be complete on December 5, 2023.
OPA 222
County of Perth Official Plan Amendment #222 proposes to permit the proposed development of the site by designating a portion of the subject lands for a special policy area within the Plan of Subdivision. The special policy is to be applied to the Village designation for Block 99 and Block 100 and would permit apartment buildings with a maximum height of three storeys and it would allow the maximum number of permitted dwelling units to be set in the Township of Perth South Zoning By-Law.
Please refer to the Documents section for the full version of this notice - Perth County Official Plan Amendment (OPA) 222 - 2794848 Ontario Ltd - Notice of Complete Application

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